Golden Home Fitness

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Improving Your Core Workouts

Are you working on your core but not getting the results you want? Looking for a flat belly but your crunches and planks aren’t helping? One of these three reasons is the likely culprit. One: your diet has too little protein and veggies and too much sugar, alcohol and processed foods (or you’re eating too much). Two: you are not exercising enough to burn the necessary calories for your abs to show. Three: you are not doing your ab exercises correctly. But we are not here to point fingers, we are here to help!

Your core is the foundation of all your movements. While it can make you look good in a swimsuit, it is also a key component of your health and fitness. If you increase your core strength, you improve your athletic ability, balance, posture and mobility. You also decrease your risk of pain and injury.

How you activate your muscles during core workouts makes a huge difference. Or none at all. Feeling the burn is great but doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing the exercises effectively. If you feel pain in your neck, hips or back, tweaking your routine could make a world of difference. It could also get you the results you want. So let’s get to fixing things.

Common Core Workout Mistakes

Not breathing correctly or holding your breath

Focusing on quantity over quality

Not bracing your core

Tilting your hips forwards during sit ups (which turns your abs off and puts strain on your hip flexors)

Using momentum 

Pulling on your neck during crunches

Arching your back, sagging your hips, sticking your butt up or lifting your head during a plank – your body should be in a straight line

Focusing on only one part of your core

Not varying your exercises and workouts

Not doing the right exercises or not doing the right exercises right

How to Improve Your Core Workouts

Do the exercises in a slow controlled manner with proper form

Brace your core throughout the exercises

Focus on your breathing

Activate your glutes

In a plank, keep your head in a neutral position  (looking down at your mat rather than up) 

Make sure your hands are wide enough in a plank so that your shoulders don’t shrug

Place your hands at your ears or crossed in front of your chest for crunches and sit ups (rather than behind your head)

Envision an apple between your chin and chest during crunches (so that your head doesn't bend too far forward)

How to Brace Your Core

Picture your belly button going to your spine, or a belt tightening around your waist.

Pull your ribs in towards the center of your body.

Draw your shoulders slightly back.

Contract the muscles of your lower back, glutes and waist.

Practice inhaling and exhaling while bracing your core 

Proper Breathing During a Crunch


Exhale and pull your belly button towards your spine as you curl up.

Inhale as you come back down and repeat.

Brace your abs throughout the exercise.

Exercises to Help With Core Activation

Pelvic Tilts

If your crunches and sit ups don’t feel effective, this is a great place to start.

Lie down with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.

Flatten your back to the floor by engaging your abs.

Arch your back by tilting your pelvis, keeping your tailbone on the floor.

Return to the starting position (flattening your back to the floor).


Lying March

Lie down with your knees bent and feet on the floor.

Press your lower back against the floor.

Lift one foot up with control (bringing that knee towards your waist)  and lower it back down.

Then repeat on the other side, continuing for the desired duration.

March and breath in a slow controlled manner.

This exercise can also be done sitting upright with good posture.

Farmer’s Walk

Pick up a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.

Walk a distance and back, standing upright with proper posture.

Don’t lean to either side or slump forward.

Keep your shoulders proud.

Practice breathing while bracing your core throughout the exercise.


Squeeze your glutes while holding a plank and feel superior ab activation. If you want even more intensity, focus pressing your forearms into the floor as well.

Crunch Hold

Try holding a crunch with good form for 60 seconds (this is better than doing 60 crunches with bad form).

Recommended Core Exercises

Ball Exchange


Side Plank

Half Kneeling Hold

Glute Bridge

Dead Bug

Bicycle Crunch

Bird Dog

What Golden Home Fitness Can Do For You

If you would like a Golden Home Fitness Personal Trainer to guide you through an effective core workout click here for your first complimentary workout. Don’t waste time with sloppy form, confusion and procrastination. We can ensure that you get maximum ab activation in each and every set, as well as making sure your workouts happen in the first place.

The Takeaway

A more powerful core will give you a more powerful body. Small changes in your ab routine can have a major impact on your fitness results --and on your life.

You want to make sure you are training your muscles the way you intended. Otherwise, you may train your belly to puff out rather than in, which would be tragic. Learning to brace your entire core, breathe properly and perfect your form are the keys to your success.
