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Establishing a Healthy Morning Routine

establishing a morning routine

Win the Morning, Win the Day!

Establishing a healthy morning routine can be the difference between a good day and a great one. The movers and shakers of the world have morning routines that make each day work in their favor. While you may consider pe-planning a loss of freedom it is actually the exact opposite. Your morning routine lets you focus on what is most important to you. It puts you in the driver's seat of your day. Rather than letting life happen to you, you are designing the plan. If health and wellness are your top priority, a solid morning routine ensures your intentions become reality.

What Is a Healthy Morning Routine?

Your morning routine can be whatever you want it to be. Ideally it is a self-care routine that aligns with your primary goals in life. You can make your day your own and start on the right foot with a little forethought. A healthy morning routine is a great way to invest in yourself before exchanging your precious energy with the rest of the world.

Why Is a Healthy Morning Routine Important?

A healthy morning routine is important because it sets the tone for your entire day. It is a great foundation for productivity and wellness. If you ease into the day with a sense of purpose you feel more in control, calmer and more productive. A healthy morning routine also helps you create an effective work-life balance. Since your life is just a series of days, it stands to reason that your productive and happy days lead to a productive and happy life.

Top Ten Elements of a Healthy Morning Routine:

  1. Start the night before. Reflect on the day, ponder big picture goals and focus on three tasks you want to accomplish tomorrow. If time allows, prep meals, clothes and activities for the next day. Most importantly, set your intentions. This allows you to start fresh in the morning, free of overwhelming tasks and decision-making.
  2. Find YOUR perfect wake time. For many of us, waking up one hour earlier is ideal. In fact, people who wake up an hour earlier have a twenty three percent lower rate of depression. But keep in mind that getting seven to eight hours of quality sleep takes priority. Experiment to find your most beneficial wake up time –could you go to bed an hour earlier?
  3. Cultivate a sense of gratitude. Start the day by writing down three things you are grateful for. Negative thoughts cannot creep in when you are in a state of gratitude.
  4. Move! There are countless benefits to working out first thing in the morning. Start by getting your blood flowing and your heart rate up.  A full-body workout all, or most, days is ideal. Exercise reduces stress, boosts energy, helps you focus better and makes you more productive. It also puts you in a better mood and improves your confidence. Working out lets you start your day with a sense of accomplishment. People who exercise daily have a more positive outlook and increased energy and concentration. If you are short on time (or energy), start by moving in every direction or stretching. Holding a plank for 30 seconds is a great place to start any healthy morning routine.
  5. Drink water before your morning coffee. You get dehydrated during the night. Rehydrating with a tall glass or two of water will give you an instant and lasting energy boost. A glass of water first thing in the morning can increase your metabolism by 30%. Water also benefits your skin, reduces calorie intake and improves your focus.
  6. Consume a Healthy Protein-Rich Breakfast. Eggs, a smoothie, yogurt or oatmeal with almond butter are all great choices. Adding fruits and vegetables makes these powerhouse meals even more nutritious, filling and satisfying.
  7. Declutter your mind, reduce stress and align your focus with a mindfulness practice. Journal, read, meditate, say positive affirmations, practice deep breathing, listen to motivational music or podcasts, call or channel loved ones, take a bath or plan an act of kindness. Choose an activity that fuels YOUR soul, which puts you in a flow state and recharges you.  Did you know that six minutes of reading reduces anxiety by 68% and also boosts your brain cognition?  The right activity for you can lower your stress and make you more productive and happy. If you do one or more of these activities before checking in with your phone, email and TV, you are controlling the day rather than letting it control you.
  8. Tackle your hardest task first. This makes it more likely it will get done and get done well. It will also give you the confidence and peace of mind to proceed to the next task, and the next.
  9. Get some sunlight and fresh air as early as possible to be in proper alignment with your Circadian Rhythm for optimal energy, mood and sleep.
  10. Make your bed. This simple task can be your first win of the day. It establishes your commitment to your own serenity, making both your days and nights more comfortable and stable.

Starting a Healthy Morning Routine

Most healthy morning routines take anywhere from 30-90 minutes. That being said, the key is to make it your own. You get to decide what is most important to you. Start small and add  (or remove) a component every week or two.

Maintaining a Healthy Morning Routine

Pinpoint what does and doesn’t work and revamp your routine as needed. Try to find the right balance between calming and energizing activities, and productive and nourishing ones.

The Takeaway

We all know life can get crazy. There is no need for a mad scramble to go with your morning eggs. A healthy morning routine allows you to get more done in less time with better results and less drama. Who doesn’t want a calmer, more productive day?

Establish a healthy morning routine to avoid overwhelm and mental fatigue. It’s a great way to kickstart your day and make it your own. Don’t let outside forces dictate the trajectory of YOUR day, mindset and life. You can take control. A healthy morning routine allows you to accomplish your goals, remain calm and carry on no matter what!
