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Knees Hurt After Running? How to Run Without Ruining Your Knees

Do your knees hurt after running? What about during your run? If you're reading this, the answer is probably yes.You may have heard of ‘runner’s knee,’ also known by its attractive clinical name of "patellofemoral pain syndrome" or "chondromalacia patella."All of these terms refer to an inflammation of the cartilage just under your kneecap, and this often occurs as a result of running. You’ll be glad to hear that there are some ways to prevent this from happening to you! Read on to learn more.

Knees Hurt After Running? Follow These Tips

First, it's important to note that running doesn’t cause most knee injuries. The way people run causes the injuries. Therefore, improving your preparation, your form, and your running technique can vastly reduce the risk of injury & pain.Many people suffering from runner’s knee have bio-mechanical problems elsewhere. Exercising these areas can help you avoid knee injuries and reduce the risk of having your knees hurt after running:

  • Glutes and Hips – weakness in these areas can lead to instability further down the legs. Strengthen these areas to give your knees the stability they need.
  • Quadriceps – a weak quadricep can make it hard for your kneecap to track as it should. Quadricep exercises will help your kneecaps to perform as they should.
  • Hamstrings – tight hamstrings shift some of the impact of running to the knees. Warm up and stretch out your hamstrings before running.

A Note About Weight

If you put on weight, running to lose it will put extra strain on your knees. For each pound you put on, you will be putting an extra four pounds of stress on each knee. This is not to say that you should not run to lose weight. It’s worth keeping this factor in mind, however, and doing everything you can to protect your knees.

Level Ground

Uneven ground is more likely to put strain on your knees. Running on level ground will lessen the torque on your knees.

Strike with Your Forefoot

With heel strikers, more impact affects the knees, according to a recent study. With forefoot strikers, however, more of the impact forces affect the ankles.

Lean From Your Ankles

Your stride should then open up behind you. Your feet should land underneath or just behind your center of gravity. Keep your knees bent and soft when in the landing and support phases of your stride.

Point Your Feet in the Direction of Travel

If your feet splay to either side when you run, you are likely to overstretch your medial ligaments and tendons of the knee. Don’t do it!Your feet should be parallel and pointing forward when they touch the ground to maximize your ability to run without knee pain and injury.

Need More Help?

For a one-on-one session to help you prepare your body and to get the most out of your running, get in touch with our friendly and helpful team of professional trainers today!