Golden Home Fitness

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Want to Un-Hunch Your Shoulders? Here Are 3 Exercises to Improve Posture

Want to know if you need exercises to improve posture? Try this quick test.Take a deep breath. As you exhale, relax your shoulders.If your shoulders moved, you were hunching. Most of us do while working at computers. It's even spawned its own name: tech neck. There must be something about hunching the shoulders that makes us think we are working harder.Computer users, you are not alone. Anyone who drives, lifts, or spends too much time looking at their smartphone will have the rounded shoulders of a hunchback-in-progress.You can change that, though, with these simple exercises to improve posture. At Golden Home Fitness, we know that people like to exercise in convenience, so we’ve thought of exercises that you can do right at home without any equipment.

1. Shoulder Blade Squeezing

This is an exercise that is easy to do. It will improve your awareness of your body and posture, as well as preventing your shoulders from hunching.

  • Sit up or stand comfortably.
  • Slide your shoulder blades down.
  • Squeeze them towards your spine, as if you are holding an object between them.
  • Hold for 3 deep breaths, relax, and repeat several times.

2. Back Bound Hand Stretch

This is similar to Shoulder Blade Squeezing. It will help you to counteract the inward rotation of your shoulders.

  • Sit or stand comfortably.
  • Slide your shoulder blades down.
  • Squeeze them towards your spine.
  • Now bring your arms and hands behind you, grabbing your wrist or forearm with the opposite hand, a bit like the way you would fold your arms in front of you.
  • Try to keep your shoulder blades down and squeezed towards your spine.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Release gently.

3. Hands Up/Vertical Snow Angel

This is another exercise that will help you develop your sense of posture.

  • Stand with your back against a wall.
  • Raise your hands, keeping the backs of your hands against the wall.
  • Now trace a large circle on the wall. Maintaining contact between the wall and your hands and elbows. You should look like you are waving (goodbye to that hunch) or making a snow angel on the wall.
  • Repeat this motion ten times.

These Exercises to Improve Posture Really Work!

Repeat these exercises several times during the day. Make them the habit instead of hunching your shoulders. After as little as a single day, you should start to feel the benefit. Don’t stop. Keep it up to keep that hunch away for good.We are specialists when it comes to exercises to improve posture & exercising when it seems impossible. Our home fitness service is the height of convenience.Get in touch to learn how we can help you achieve your fitness goals without breaking the bank, losing your day to commuting, or having to work out in public