Best of the Rest 10/17 - Quality Health and Fitness Articles from Around the Internet

It can be hard to sift through the fire hose of health and fitness articles & information being distributed on the internet, so we're here to help!These are the top articles from other sources that we've been learning from recently and highly recommend!1. What's the ultimate way to defy depression, disease and early death? Exercise from The Guardian

  • "As a new report reveals the mental health benefits of just an hour’s physical activity a week, it seems there is nothing a workout can’t cure. Here is why we should all sit less and move more" by Sarah Boseley at The Guardian.

2. Perception of Breakfast Ingestion Enhances High Intensity Endurance Performance from Yann Le Meur Sport Science

  • Check out this info-graphic summarizing research that reports how 20-minute cycling performance increases from breakfast may be more psychological than physical.

3. How exercise rejuvenates cells, extending lifespan from MedicalNewsToday

  • Read this summary of some new research on how exercise has tremendous impact on overall health and lifespan through mitochondria function.

4. Regular sauna use could slash men's hypertension risk from MedicalNewsToday

  • In an extensive longitudinal study, hypertension risk was 46% lower among men using the sauna four to seven times a week. Check out the article to learn more.

5. Healthy people are at risk of developing heart disease from University of Surrey

  • Read this summary of new research suggesting that introducing a high sugar diet in normally healthy individuals dramatically increases their risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and related complications.

Thanks for reading. Let us know if you found these health and fitness articles on our blog interesting or useful!


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