Personal Fitness Trainer Interview with Justin DeGraaf - Podcast Episode #13

Justin is a personal fitness trainer here at Golden Home Fitness. Tune in to hear how a nasty string of injuries led him to discover his desire to build a career in helping people through and fixing pain.
We discuss at length how to improve, prevent, and resolve low back pain, as well as additional quality training tips, the gap between physical therapy ending and resuming regular training activities, and his mysterious two-for-one superpowers!

The podcast can be found on:iTunesGoogle PlayAnchorPlayer.FMOvercast

Highlight - "Clip: Mind the PT Gap" available in bite-sized form on the show!
0:00 - Intro and Justin’s background
5:00 - Discussing low back pain, Justin’s top recommendations as a personal fitness trainer
8:00 - The difference between ab training and core training, with practical examples
11:30 - Additional examples for core training to prevent or build around low back pain (Birddog, Side Plank, Glute Bridge, Heel Taps)
13:50 - Regressing exercises for better exercise selection, more success, and less pain
16:20 - How you can increase training quality without compromising quantity
17:50 - When you finish physical therapy and want to return to training, what should you do? Justin’s inspiration to fill this gap.
22:25 - Justin gets two superpowers (as one superhero) which and why??
23:50 - Will’s top two superpowers, and why??
26:00 - Justin’s contact info
Instagram: @Justin_Degraaf
Thank you for listening to this personal fitness trainer interview!
For more information on how you can work with a professional coach to get the most out of your fitness program and ensure that you are training safely and efficiently, give us a call at (844) 704-9477 or send us an email to!
Accompanying Video:

Two Strategies to Setting Fitness Goals & Getting Back on Track


How to Achieve a Goal Successfully: 5 Simple Steps