Podcast #15 Fitness Motivation with Coach Mike Urso: Get in The Driver's Seat!

Mike Urso brings the 🔥🔥 in the podcast this week, discussing his transition from working in a restaurant serving people food to becoming a personal trainer and a coach’s coach, helping clients and other trainers grow and gain fitness motivation. We break down motivation and how to get started, how to get un-stuck, and getting in the driver’s seat to take control of your life!

Clip: Motivation? Now Let's Get Results

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0:00 - Intro and Mike’s Background

  • His evolution into and through the fitness industry
  • Transitioning from being a restaurant server and bartending in New York City during the recession in 2008 to becoming a Personal Trainer - from serving food to serving fitness motivation

4:00 - Mike’s love of exploring being the driver of change, loving how you feel from working out

  • The dedication developing over time from commitment to baseball through to fitness
  • Helping other people feel and empowered too through coaching and personal training
  • “The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” - Benjamin Disraeli

7:30 - Transition from just working with clients to bringing up other trainers to do the same

  • Studying coaching behavioral change, also applied for working with clients
  • Same process, goal setting then what are the habits and skills you need to get you there

10:30 - It’s not information that we need, it’s the execution, and coaching helps with the implementation of behavior12:05 - Motivation is crap!

  • Inspiration - thought
  • Motivation - feeling
  • Action - take action as quick as you can when you get that motivated feeling
  • Taking the time to understand the deeper reason that people want to do what they do
  • Connect them with something powerful within themselves
  • Highlighting previous successes
  • Kaizen Method: One step at a time, incremental progress
  • Make the goals so small, almost silly small goals, then build on those wins
  • Momentum can work both ways, positive or negative

15:25 - Importance of emphasis on staying on course and keeping up with fitness motivation... more than setting the perfect coach

  • Working with a coach who’s been there and helped others get there

17:10 - At first, mentorship doesn’t have to be in person, books and podcasts can substitute to start, but then having more in person interaction will help greatly

  • Then we have to fire the gun ourselves - fail often, make mistakes and grow
  • Find out what you’re made of
  • Not waiting for the perfect time
  • Need to become resourceful
  • “most people are waiting for their ship to come in, what you need to do is swim out to it”

20:00 - Helping people through a sticking point

  • Go back to why they set the goal in the first place, and what’s prevented the action in the past
  • Pay attention to tone, body language, not just words
  • Scaling goals
  • If the coach came up with the goal, it’s their fault
  • Need to ask the client buy in, on a scale of 1-10 how confident are you you can accomplish this
  • If anything less than 9-10, need to scale back the goal
  • Putting the ownership on the client (autonomy)
  • Making sure it’s a good goal for them

23:50 - Guiding a client, not shouting commands

  • Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan)
  • Intrinsic vs Extrinsic factors
  • It has to come from within, can’t come at us
  • Sustainable progress driven by intrinsic factors

26:20 - Mike’s one wish to change in the fitness industry

  • We have the ability to heal ourselves
  • Medical industry as a whole is very reactive (needed for many acute situations, like cancer, trauma)
  • More awareness in prevention that I only have this one body to take care of
  • All the information is out there for free
  • If you can’t find it, ask for help
  • Focus on wellness and prevention
  • Invest in your health now, reap benefits in the long run
  • Holding off instant gratification for future dividends and compounding benefit
  • Maximizing your quality life over your health span
  • Doing it on your own terms
  • EVERYONE is just one decision away from turning it in the right direction
  • Like a bad GPS, qualifying information is important

34:10 - Getting in contact with Mike

  • Facebook, IG, Twitter: @CoachMikeUrso
  • Email: MUrso@GoldenHomeFitness.com

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