Grilled Watermelon Recipe - Healthy Fitness Recipe

For a taste of summer any time of the year, this Grilled Watermelon Recipe will take your taste buds to a smooth July night in no time! We're big proponents of exercise for staying healthy, but being mindful of what you eat, and having go-to healthy recipes is a key ingredient to success!Bon Appetit!

Grilled Watermelon Recipe

After the initial confusion of "did you just say 'grilled watermelon?'" intrigue and curiosity usually follow, and the end product always exceeds expectations! By grilling the usually sweet and cool watermelon, you pull the natural sugars to the surface and when combined with the dressings, you get a delicious side-dish, snack, or dessert that is sweet, savory, and melt-in-your-mouth delicious!

Serves 4-12


  • 1/2 - 1 medium-sized watermelon

    • Pro tip: choose a mostly spherical watermelon that is dark green in color, with a yellow patch on its side (not at either pointed end). Doing so will yield a sweeter, more evenly ripened watermelon.
  • 2-6 tbsp avocado oil

  • 4-8 tsp chili-lime seasoning

  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup feta cheese (optional)


  1. Slice watermelon into triangular wedges, approximately 3/4 inch thick, and 4-6 inches in length.
  2. Lay wedges flat on a serving dish or cooking trey for preparation and transportation.
  3. Drizzle avocado oil over the first later of 4-8 wedges, depending on the size of the trey.
  4. Sprinkle chili-lime seasoning over the wedges.
  5. Layer the second row of wedges atop the first, repeating the process for the top of the second layer. Doing so will soak the bottom of the top layer in the toppings, and press the toppings further into the bottom layer.
  6. Turn on grill and heat to cooking temperature.

  7. Add wedges to grill, let cook for 90 - 120 seconds before flipping over.

  8. Apply additional chili lime seasoning as needed once flipped.
  9. Flip 2-3 times until evenly grilled with strong grill lines, before they become over-cooked.
  10. Place in a serving dish, cool to preferred temperature for eating, and enjoy!

Note: The grilled watermelon wedges will be very juicy! Best eaten with a fork and knife, or by carefully by hand somewhere you're comfortable with dripping! Best eaten fresh, or cut the leftovers into cubes for inclusion as in a sweet summer salad.

Original family recipe developed through culinary trial and error by Coach Will H. Hansen and published here by the author. The original inspiration for grilled watermelon came from many online recipe publications.


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