Golden Home Fitness

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10 Minute Morning Workout to Bring the Heat this Fall

You know the feeling: 6 am on a cold October morning, every single cell in your body is telling you to crawl back under the covers but you know you should go workout. How do you make this process less painful? Start small and start right at home!

In the time it takes you to brew your coffee and prepare breakfast, you can do a great 10 minute morning workout that will get you warmed up and ready to have a successful day!

Here's one of our favorite "roll-out of bed and get moving" workouts for the fall:

10 Minute Morning Workout:

1. Just Get Moving! (2 Minutes) Keep it simple and just get moving; you can do jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, stair-stepping, or dynamic stretching. You want to build momentum here before your even awake enough to realize you're working out. Just 2 minutes of your favorite movement, or a mix of a few, will do.

2. Core and Mobility (3 minutes) Pick 3-4 exercises you enjoy for core and mobility and perform them twice through in circuit fashion. For example:

3. Strength Circuit (4 minutes) Again pick 3-4 exercises, this time focused on strength through the upper body (pulling and pushing) and lower body. Perform the circuit twice, doing 10-15 reps of each exercise. For example:

4. HIIT Finisher (1 Minute) Pick one exercise, and perform it for 10 seconds as hard as you can, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this process three times for 1-minute total. Using an interval timer app or clock is recommended. For example, choose one of:

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Stair Switch Hops
  • Squat Jumps
  • Ab Bicycles

This article was written by Coach Will H. Hansen and published here by the author.

We hope you found this 10 minute home workout useful and inspiring! Want a coach to come to you and help you get the most out of the time and space you have at home? Call us at (844) 704-9477 for a complimentary workout!