Golden Home Fitness

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Pumpkin Spice Your Workout! 10 Minute Home Workout with No Weights

Have you ever thought of getting a workout Pump with Pumpkins? Probably not, but why not give it a go? Fall is here and pumpkins are popping up everywhere: on porches, in TV shows, and even (or especially) in lattes! As we've shared before, while home equipment is great, you can also get a little creative for a great 10-minute home workout with no weights needed, just whatever you have! This time of year, that means pumpkins! So let's not waste time, just pick one up and let's go:

Pumpkin Pump: Fall Home Workout with No Weights

The featured athlete in these demonstration videos is our client and champion of life, Johanna Gorton! If you feel so moved, check out and support her fundraising for First Descents, a non-profit that provides free outdoor adventures for young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions with life-changing outdoor adventures.

1. Pumpkin Goblet Squat: Ah, the classic, Goblet Squats are a staple home exercise for many good reasons! They force you to keep your core active and keep your chest up, helping you to practice good posture. All the while, they get your legs moving and help you clear up the tightness and weakness that comes as a result of prolonged periods of sitting. If Squats are King, then this Pumpkin Goblet Squat is surely the Pumpking... Perform 20 reps, then immediately move on to #2.

2. Reverse Lunge into Pumpkin Woodchopper: The rotational aspect of our core is often not given nearly the attention it deserves, and these next two exercises address just that! By stepping back into the reverse lunge, we get an added benefit for stability on the front leg and stretching on the back leg, while developing the core through rotation as we bring the pumpkin overhead. Perform 10 reps each side, either all in a row on one side - as shown - or by alternating. Then proceed to #3 immediately.

3. Lateral Lunge into Pumpkin Woodchopper: Building on the core rotation in #2, here we add a lateral element to the lunging motion as well. This helps you develop stability and resilience in the glutes and quads, as well as in the ankle, knee, and hip joints as you challenge yourself in a plane of motion not often focused on. Perform 10 reps each side, all in a row as shown, then proceed back to #1, or rest if you are finished with the circuit!

Perform this circuit of exercises 3-4 times with minimal rest between sets, or resting as needed (Save the pumpkin smashing/med ball slamming for after Halloween).

This home workout with no weights guide was developed by Coach Will H. Hansen and has been published here by the author.

Want a coach to come to you and help you get the most out of what you have wherever is most convenient for you? Call us at (844) 704-9477 for a complimentary workout!