Motivational Fit Strategy: The Magic of January 1st Fitness Motivation All Year

Every year, millions of people gear up for their big January 1st fitness motivation kick, and it works.... for a few days.

At that time, people feel like they're on the top of the world, able to crush their goals without hesitation. A motivational fit & fitness schedule can help you stay on track.

While January 1st gets a lot of flack among fitness professionals, it does help when nearly everyone you know is motivated for some kind of goal they're actively pushing themselves towards. It's often even an impetus for people to try working with a personal trainer to guide them to success!

The problem is that many people don't build the positive habits to make those changes stick and that their January 1st fitness motivation only comes around once a year. In this article, we'll cover 3 ways you can tap into that motivational fit spirit any time of the year!

1 - Major Life Changes

Maybe you're about to move houses, start a new job, or your kids are about to go off to college. Anytime you're in a new location, have a new weekly routine to adjust to, or find yourself with more free time suddenly, it's the perfect time to commit yourself to make new healthy habits! Just like that, you're creating your own personalized conditions superior to the old January 1st fitness motivation.

For example, when you step into that new home if you decide that you're going to hold a plank while your Keurig brews, start with day 1 and you'll have a much easier time maintaining your habit. All you will have ever known in the new environment is the new positive behavior, and you'll likely fall back into it without thinking.

2 - After Breaks from Routine

Another day, another dollar, routine day after routine day, then suddenly: you go on vacation, take an exciting trip, finish a project you've been working on for a long time, or see the end of a sports season you've been invested in. Your routine is thrown out the window and what's left is a perfect opportunity to decide what your new routine will be!

This is an excellent time to take the initiative and decide that you'll use this opportune clay to mold the You 2.0, healthier, more fit, that you want to become.

3 - Motivational Fit Spirit Means Just Do Something! Anything!

Start today! (Or at least the closest day that ends in a "Y"...) You don't need to have it all planned out, to what exercises you'll do in what order, or how many grams of broccoli to eat at dinner next Thursday, you just need to make a decision and build small wins for yourself!

Doing so will build positive momentum upon which you can build a more substantial plan (planning is, at some point necessary after all, for sustained success). While "jump and build a parachute on your way down," isn't always great advice, it is essential that you start! Isaac Newton got it right with his first law of motion that, "an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force."

What are you waiting for?! Do 10 jumping jacks, take a walk, or climb the stairs an extra time. Yes, right now... If you hear all kinds of obstacles in your mind coming up, building momentum by hiring a personal trainer will help you instill the accountability and positive habits that will guide you to long term success.

Tired of waiting for the January 1st fitness motivation to kick in? Try out working with a personal trainer for free! Call us at (844) 704-9477 for a complimentary workout in our new North Andover Fitness Studio or in the convenience of your own home or apartment building!

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Written by Coach Will H. Hansen and shared here by the author.


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