Golden Home Fitness

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Keep the Promises You Make to Yourself

Make Each Day Work In Your Favor By Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself

At Golden Home Fitness, our mission is to help you keep the promises you make to yourself

Ever eat an entire package of Oreos and tell yourself you’ll start a diet tomorrow…or Monday …or on January 1st?

It’s easy to tell yourself you will do better in the future. It’s another thing to keep that promise. Intentions are great but they don't propel you forward. If you are not keeping the promises you make to yourself, you may be sabotaging your health and a lot more. Your future plans are all at risk if you don't follow through.

We get it– it’s not easy. There’s so much to do, so many temptations and at least one excuse for every workout we miss –or bag of Doritos we binge on.

The problem is that every lie you tell yourself makes you just a little more untrustworthy. Soon your identity as someone who keeps their word is shot. If you can get away with it once, what’s to stop you from doing the same thing tomorrow? Before you know it, your confidence in yourself is gone, and you feel stuck.

It's like that friend you had who flaked on you so many times you never take them seriously. You don't see them often out of fear they won't show up. If you want to have a good relationship with yourself, show up for yourself. Your future goals should not be optional.

Just because you didn’t follow through in the past, doesn’t mean you can’t be someone who follows through from now on. Build an identity of integrity by accruing lots of small wins, or kept promises. Momentum will build from there.

You will gain incredible confidence and strength by keeping the promises you make to yourself. It’s a powerful way to boost your happiness and productivity. If you start small, you will develop a can-do attitude. For instance, 'today I will jog for fifteen minutes', or 'today I will not snack after dinner'. Once you move on to bigger goals, make sure they are realistic and attainable. Then trust the process.

That’s where we come in. We know where you’re coming from –we’ve been there. Most importantly, we know how to get you to where you want to go. Tell us your fitness goals and we’ll tailor a customized plan for you. Your success is our success, so we are all in. We will show you the best exercises, hold you accountable for every workout, track your success and motivate you.

So do you want to keep sabotaging your efforts, or do you want to start making steady progress? Do something your 2022 self will thank you for! For your free Golden Home Fitness in-person or virtual workout click here.