Golden Home Fitness

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Benefits of Yoga

mind body connection

mind body connectionWho Can Benefit From Yoga?

Yoga is an excellent mind body exercise which has been practiced for thousands of years. There are over 100 different types of yoga. This practice provides physical and mental benefits for people of all ages.

Many of us spend most of our days running around with too much to do and too little time. In stolen moments, we yearn to slow things down, be more present and connect with others more fully. If you are looking for a way to calm your mind yoga might be just what you’re looking for. As little as 12 minutes a day of yoga can make a big difference in your physical and mental well being.

The practice of yoga combines stretching and strengthening poses with relaxation techniques. These can include meditation, breath work, guided imagery and chanting.

Focusing all your energy on each yoga pose allows you to feel the mind and body working together. It teaches you how to focus on the present. Being less distracted by your thoughts allows you to have greater peace of mind.

Ideal for Post-Pandemic Relief

After the life-altering effects of the past two years, most of us are looking for a little relief.

Yoga is a great mind and body exercise especially for anyone who hasn’t been active for a while. Each pose can be modified to suit your level of fitness and mobility. It may help you heal the aches and pains associated with too many Zoom meetings.

Yoga improves immunity so you will be less likely to get sick. It will also help you get in the right mindset. Yoga promotes feelings of gratitude, kindness, self-awareness and compassion. You will learn to stay calm regardless of the situation.

The Perfect Complement to Your Regular Workouts

Yoga stretches and strengthens your muscles. It can make you stronger and more flexible. Yoga also improves core and back strength and stability, and reduces muscle tension. It will help you recover better, lessen soreness and improve your athletic performance.

13 Amazing Benefits of Yoga

  1. Improves flexibility, spine mobility and body awareness. This is particularly important for adults over 65 because we lose flexibility as we age. Releasing muscles which are tight improves our alignment. This will help us move and feel better.
  2. Relieves stress, anxiety, depression and muscle fatigue. Yoga is often recommended as treatment by physicians. It helps us notice where we hold tension, and allows us to release it. Turning your senses inward provides down time for your nervous system.
  3. Boosts immunity and reduces inflammation. A regular yoga practice can keep sickness at bay, prevent disease or help you recover from it.
  4. Improves balance, coordination and posture. This helps to prevent falls and maintain independence in seniors.
  5. Improves strength, reaction time and athletic performance. You can use your body weight to strengthen all your major muscle groups in various yoga poses. Your inner strength will also increase.
  6. Improves cardiovascular function. It can lower your resting heart rate. Controlling the pace of your breath is beneficial for your heart and other body systems. Yoga increases blood flow and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. It also helps your circulation especially in your hands and feet. A regular yoga practice can decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
  7. Changes your brain. Yoga improves cognitive function. It activates the parts of your brain responsible for motivation, attention, executive functioning and neuroplasticity. Yoga increases oxygen to the brain so you can think more clearly and focus. It can keep your brain from shrinking as you age, and help you maintain your memory.
  8. Improves bone, cartilage and joint health. Many yoga poses take your joints through a full range of motion. This can prevent cartilage and joint breakdown, and protect your spine. A regular yoga practice increases your bone density. Yoga also lowers your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This helps keep calcium in your bones. Yoga can help with dysfunctional movement patterns, and it may even reverse bone loss.
  9. Improves sleep. Yoga’s calming effect has been shown to help people fall asleep more quickly. It also helps you spend more time in the deep stage of your sleep cycle. This allows your brain to rest and replenish energy for the next day.
  10. Makes you happier!  A regular yoga practice often improves self-esteem and body image. It makes you feel more centered and in tune with your body. Yoga can be a great cure for loneliness. It teaches you to be more compassionate with yourself as well as with others. Yoga promotes gratitude and enhances your quality of life. It can connect you with your teacher, the yoga community and with a kinder side of yourself.
  11. Eases aches and pains. Yoga is often recommended by physicians to relieve lower back pain and arthritis.
  12. Helps you breathe better. Yoga increases the lung’s air flow, stamina, capacity and efficiency. It also opens up your sinuses.
  13. Gives you energy and elevates your mood. A regular yoga practice will increase your alertness, enthusiasm and positivity.

Where Can I Practice Yoga?

We are very pleased to announce that Rev. Nicholas Stanley has joined our team at Golden Home Fitness. Nicholas will be teaching yoga at the Golden Home Fitness studio located at 30 School Street in North Andover every Friday at 10:30am.  You can sign up for the class at

Nicholas will use a variety of techniques. These may include relaxation, meditation, yogic philosophy, chanting and breath work. He is an expert at teaching his students how to cope with stress. Nicholas's therapeutic approach will leave you with a calmer mind. You will also have a greater awareness of the mind/body connection. Knowing how to tune in to your inner compass is instrumental in making all kinds of positive changes.

We are very fortunate to have Nicholas with us as he is multi-talented and has a very generous spirit. Nicholas specializes in yoga for PTSD and Trauma and Yin. He is also an ABA therapist, wellness coach, hypnotist, massage therapist, metaphysician and reverend.

The Takeaway

Yoga has countless benefits for your physical and mental wellbeing. It can prevent illness and help you manage stress. Yoga will also improve your flexibility, mobility and sleep. Practicing it regularly can positively affect all areas of your life. It can boost your self-esteem, immunity, productivity, spirituality and sense of connection. Yoga can give you a powerful sense of peace, as you learn to befriend your body and mind. If you can quiet your thoughts, your odds of living a long, healthy and happy life go up exponentially. We hope to see you in class at our Golden Home Fitness studio soon!  May yoga help you find your zen. Namaste.
