Slim Down for Summer 2022

slim down for summer 22

Let the Lure of a Blissful Summer Motivate You to Make Lasting Changes!

If you are hoping to slim down for the summer of 2022 – as it fast approaches– you are not alone. Losing weight is seldom easy. Using the lure of summer is a great way to simultaneously create a timeline and a reward. It can help you gain momentum.

Slimming down for summer is a great incentive. Of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle year-round should ideally be our ultimate goal. Avoiding disease and being able to do what we want are some of the amazing long-term benefits.

Summer or not, it’s important to remember that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. While social media and Hollywood movies imply otherwise, we weren’t all meant to look like models. It can be helpful to shift your focus from aesthetics to health.

It’s also good to remember that the number on the scale might not reflect the progress you are making. You can gain muscle and lose fat without losing weight. Studies have shown that those of us who are kind to ourselves lose weight more easily. You will need lots of discipline and determination to reach your goals. Don't forget to temper them with a good dose of self-compassion. A slip up here or there doesn't have to derail you. Every small victory must be celebrated!

Restricting calories too much, skipping nutrients and working out incorrectly can all be detrimental to your health and weight loss goals. These costly mistakes can lower your metabolism, make you weaker and get you sick. Here are our top suggestions for slimming down in a smart and sustainable way.

Top 10 Tips to Slim Down for Summer 2022

1. Cardio and Strength Training

Combining cardio and strength training is the fastest way to lose weight. Weight training speeds up your metabolism and strengthens and tones your muscles. Cardio improves your aerobic capacity, boosting heart and lung health. It will also help you burn more calories. Try Better Body Conditioning Class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10:30am.

2. Compound Moves, Bigger Muscle Groups and Full-Body Exercises

Compound movements engage two or more muscle groups and help you burn more calories. They also help foster good movement patterns in everyday life. If you want more bang for your buck, include pushups, squats, lunges, rows, deadlifts, bench presses, burpees and mountain climbers in your workouts. For proper form and technique tips take Coach’s Clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am.

3. Eat Smart

A balanced diet full of nutritious whole foods is the way to go. Make sure to include lots of fruits and vegetables. While many of us need to lower the amount of calories we consume, others need to eat more. If you have been in a caloric deficit for too long, you may need to increase your calories to improve your metabolism.

4. Eat Plenty of Protein and Fiber

Protein boosts your metabolism, builds lean muscle mass and keeps you fuller longer. Shoot for 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal. Fiber keeps blood sugar and hunger in check. It is good for bowel health and helps in digestion. Most Americans only get half of the 30 grams recommended per day. Eat lots of veggies, fruit, legumes and whole grains.

5. Drink Lots of Water

Water is good for our heart and skin, it boosts energy and immunity, flushes out toxins and suppresses appetite. Good hydration also helps digestion, muscle function and fat metabolizing. When you’re dehydrated, your body holds onto fluids causing bloating.  Your energy and athletic performance will also be negatively affected.

6. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Seven to nine hours of quality sleep is recommended. It is best to wake with the sun and sleep when it’s dark out. Avoid blue light one hour or more before sleep. Try to get sunlight in the morning for vitamin D and to improve fat burning.

7. Try HIIT and Yoga

High Intensity Interval Training alternates short bouts of vigorous exercise with periods of moderate exercise or rest. You can complete an intense workout in a short amount of time. HIIT burns a lot of calories during and after the session. Yoga is also good for weight loss because it helps to reduce stress. Lower Cortisol levels lead to weight loss. Yoga also improves your mind-body connection. Decompress with Nicholas’s Therapeutic Yoga on Fridays at 10:30am.

8. Avoid or Limit Sugar, Processed Foods, Alcohol, Refined Carbs, Soda, Junk Food and Fast Food

Find healthier alternatives and gradually swap them for the old ones. Avoid temptation by not purchasing toxins.

9. Create Good Habits

Focus on good nutrition and physical activity. Make small changes and gradually build from there. Taking small steps consistently leads to enormous improvement over time. Stay focused.

10. Be Mindful

Having a good mind-body connection helps you eat and exercise smarter. Snap a picture of your meal and you are likely to enjoy it more. Document your workouts and focus on your muscles as you work them to get more out of your workouts.

The Take Away

If you want to slim down for summer, try to also focus on long-term goals. A healthy lifestyle will benefit you year-round and may add more years to your life. A nutritious diet and physical activity are a winning combination for weight loss and optimal health.

Nutrient-dense whole foods, vegetables, fruits, protein, fiber and lots of water are the way to go. Combine strength training and cardio to improve your body composition. You also want to get plenty of sleep and to practice mindfulness.

At Golden Home Fitness, our mission is to empower people to live healthier, happier lives no matter their age or abilities. Our team would love to help you reach your health and fitness goals.


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