Fitness Sets You Free

fitness equals freedom

The Fourth of July is a great day to celebrate this great country’s independence.  It is also a great day to celebrate our own freedom.  As children we get our first taste of independence when we learn how to crawl and then walk.  As teens, driving sets us free.  Once we are adults, we can map out many of the details of our lives.  

However, many of us fail to consider how we will maintain our independence as we age.  We will be able to do what we want to do if we are healthy and fit.  If we are not, chances are someone else will have to take care of us. Our caretakers may also have to make important decisions for us.  Being unhealthy puts an undue burden on our loved ones, as well as depriving us of our own freedom.

Good health is the foundation of a happy and long life. Exercise greatly benefits both our bodies and our minds.  Whether we are young or old, being active gives us the freedom to do what we want to do and be who we want to be. 

Top Ten Reasons Fitness Sets You Free

  1. Lowers the risk of illness and disease

2. Allows you to perform everyday tasks efficiently and effortlessly

3. Frees your mind from stress

4. Let’s you participate in fun activities and sports

5. Allows you to remain independent as you age

6. Frees you from aches and pains

7. Allows you to achieve challenging milestones such as races or hikes

8. Makes it less likely you’ll get injured or fall

9. Allows you to have the best relationship with yourself and others

10. Frees you from the expense of doctor’s visits, medications and hospital stays


The Takeaway

It’s easy to take your health for granted until something goes wrong.  Then you are forced to spend a lot of time and resources trying to regain it.  If you stay active, you can maintain your wellness and independence throughout the years. It’s a small price to pay for a better and longer life!

From all of us here at Golden Home Fitness, may you have a happy and healthy Fourth of July!


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