Finding Your Fitness Flow

Did you know that you can enjoy exercise –or enjoy it even more– by getting into a flow state? Not only will your workouts be more enjoyable, but you will also be performing at an optimal level.

What Is Fitness Flow?

Fitness flow is when you are totally engaged in your workout, and you are enjoying the process. You are energetically focused on the task at hand –aware of your movements, technique and pace. The right balance of challenge and skill enhances this mind/body connection.

How Do I Know If I'm In Fitness Flow?

You are working out masterfully and enjoying it. You feel like you are in the zone and time is flying by. You’ve left all of your worries and the world behind. You are fully present and don’t feel self-conscious, bored or stressed.

Benefits of Fitness Flow

Peak performance -work at an optimal level, rather than longer or harder

Motivation sky-rockets

Happiness happens

Boredom is banished

Stress is released and your mind is decluttered

You achieve a greater sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

How Can I Achieve Fitness Flow?

Invest your mental energy into your workouts, along with your physical energy, for exponential returns

Master an athletic skill or sport, and then continue to challenge yourself in it

Block time for your workouts

Set clear, measurable goals -know exactly what you need to do

Get immediate feedback

Plan workouts that are challenging but not impossible

Focus only on the task at hand (don’t multitask)

Exercise at your peak times whenever possible

Avoid distractions

Practice to develop skills then push your limits

Choose an activity that you love

Stay positive

Use energetic music during your workouts

How Can a Golden Home Fitness Personal Trainer Help Me Achieve Fitness Flow?

We will provide you with a challenging but achievable program

Set and track clear, measurable goals

We will schedule your workouts and keep you accountable

Give you immediate feedback

We will keep you focused by providing clear instruction and demonstrations

Provide limitless positive support

We will book your sessions at your most energetic and convenient times (and locations)

The Takeaway

If you could use a little more happiness in your life –and who couldn’t?-- fitness flow is for you. Mastering physical challenges is extremely fulfilling. Exercise improves your health and decreases your stress levels. If you work out mindfully, you can further enhance your wellness and improve your performance. You can enjoy focusing on your mind-body connection during training, rather than focusing only on the end game.

To achieve fitness flow, focus on your movements as you do them and challenge yourself. Once you achieve a flow state, you are super motivated to work out again and the cycle continues. A positive habit loop has been created. You are on your way to optimal athletic performance and increased happiness!



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