Golden Home Fitness

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October: Your Fittest Month!

You may have contemplated your fitness goals from all different angles.  But have you considered there could be an advantage to focusing on them in the Fall?  The month of October is the perfect time to hone in on your health and wellness.  


NO EXCUSES  The summer is ripe with “it’s too hot” excuses.  Which tend to be interchanged with “it’s too humid” or “I’m too relaxed”.  Winter months scream “way too frigid,”  “I have the Winter Blues” or “snow storm's on the way”.  October, on the other hand, is all about moderate temperatures and beautiful views.

THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!  Your calendar will get busier and busier during the holidays.  It will be harder to fit workouts in.  Holiday parties can make you pack on the pounds.  Getting into the fitness groove now will help you manage the stress that often accompanies “the happiest time of the year”.

END THE YEAR RIGHT  Regardless of where you're at today, you want to end 2022 on a good note.  Putting your health and wellness at the top of the list will pay off exponentially.

GET A JUMP START ON 2023!  Don’t wait until New Year’s to create the 2023 of your dreams. Now is the perfect time to start.  If you develop good habits in October, you will be ready to tackle your goals before the pressure, cold, crowds and hype of January 1st.  

NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT  There is never a better time than right now to get fit or more fit.  You will never be any younger than in the present moment.  Once you start, momentum and positive feedback will help you achieve your goals.  Then there will be no stopping you!


You can take the pressure off the end and start of the year. Successful New Year’s resolutions begin today.  If you get a jump start in October you will have the strength and confidence you need by January 1st. Then you can make 2023 your fittest year yet!