Making New Year's Resolutions

Could Doing Less Help You Achieve More in 2023?

Living a healthier life was the number one resolution of 2022. If you were in the majority, your aim was to exercise more, eat better or lose weight. The lucky eight percent of US adults were successful. No worries if that didn't include you.  We have a better way of making New Year's resolutions that will all but ensure that you accomplish them.

The top three reasons resolutions fail are loss of motivation, lack of time and lofty or undefined goals. Could doing less be the key to achieving more in 2023? Here is your blueprint for a successful new year.

Making Healthy New Year's Resolutions That Stick

  1. Start with one resolution, rather than several. Having a single mission will give you clarity and focus. You can choose a theme or word of the year to have top of mind.
  2. Reflect on 2022. What actions brought you closer to your goal? Which habits hindered your progress? Did you encounter any obstacles? How will you push past pitfalls next time around?
  3. Pinpoint what is most important to you. Know exactly what you are committing to and why it must be done this year. You are investing in your future so choose wisely. Write down the “pros” and “cons” of achieving your goal in 2023. Then spend some time visualizing your outcome.
  4. Determine your desired trajectory. Based on 1. your reflections on 2022, and 2. what is most important to you, create an overarching plan for 2023.
  5. Instead of thinking big, think small. Set an achievable micro-goal for each month based on 3. your desired trajectory. Each month’s micro-goal will be relatively easy but will build on the success of the last one.
  6. Decide your course of action when facing obstacles and slip ups. Be realistic and reasonable. It’s easy to be idealistic when putting plans on paper. It’s harder to accept that setbacks are inevitable. One of the main talents of successful goal-setters is the ability to get right back up when they fall.
  7. Congratulate and reward yourself for achieving each micro-goal!
  8. Reassess your overarching plan month to month, making any necessary changes. When facing daily choices, consider your goal and theme for the year. Will this action bring me closer or further away from my desired destination?
  9. Establish your first win of 2023 by booking your complimentary in-person or virtual training session with a Golden Home Fitness Personal trainer. Training with Golden Home Fitness provides you with the motivation, knowledge, support and accountability you need to succeed. We can accommodate the busiest of schedules.
  10. Celebrate your success in 2023!! Living a healthier life will give you peace of mind. It will let you do more of what you love.  It will also allow you to spend more quality time with your family and friends.

The Takeaway

New Year’s resolutions have gotten a bad rap due to their astoundingly low rates of success. The key to making them stick is to make sure you are ready to commit when you make them.

It’s best to focus on one goal at a time. Considering what has and hasn’t worked in the past is useful. Then you want to break down your resolution into 12 or more micro-goals. Acknowledging each small win, expecting setbacks and reassessing periodically are helpful tools.

You can be successful in 2023 if you focus on manageable steps you can take to get you to your destination. Golden Home Fitness would love to be part of your health and fitness journey. We wish you a very happy and healthy 2023!




Holiday Health and Fitness Tips