Golden Home Fitness

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Charlie Scimone Interview - Personal Trainer Podcast Episode #10

Tune in this week as we interview Charlie Scimone for the Golden Home Fitness Personal Trainer podcast!We talk muscle development tips, mobility help for people that sit a lot, the impact of exercise on more than just physique, why just showing up is so important, his number one pet peeve in the gym, and what his last post-workout meal would be!iTunesGoogle PlayPlayer.FM

The Charlie Scimone Personal Trainer Podcast:

0:00 - Intro and Charlie's background as a personal trainer2:40 - Charlie's top tips for muscle development6:10 - Recommendations for improving tight hips that result from sitting in a car or at work for long hours10:00 - What does Charlie think not enough people are talking about in fitness, but is actually really important? The great effects of exercise on more than just physique12:25 - Charlie's tip for people struggling with motivation to stay consistent in working out (show up!)15:05 - Charlie's number one gym pet peeve! Listen to find out.16:30 - If it were his last post workout meal ever, what would it be?Also check out the highlight clip from this show: "Just Get to the Door!"Mentioned in the Personal Trainer Podcast Episode:Contact Charlie: cscimone04@gmail.comClamshell Video for the Hips: