Golden Home Fitness

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fitness based goals are better than weight loss ones

Switch Your Weight Loss Goal to Getting Fit and Succeed in 2023!

Are you in the 40% of Americans who made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight?  Already tempted to throw in the towel?  You can replace your weight loss resolution with a fitness-based goal instead.  Your success will be 100% guaranteed and you may very well lose the weight as well!

Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, and don’t exercise enough.  Studies show that fitness is more important for good health than weight loss.  Since it’s easier to move more than it is to lose weight, this is excellent news.

Why Do Weight Loss Resolutions Fail?

Weight loss resolutions almost always fail.  One reason for this is that losing weight is a long-term process. It takes a lot of will power to change your eating habits. It seems as if your body and mind are working against you.  To top it off there are no immediate benefits.  All you see is what you can’t have and there is no visible reward to replace it.

Why is a Fitness Resolution Better?

You need a more tangible and attainable goal than losing 20 pounds. If you swap your weight loss resolution for a fitness-based one you will have instant gratification.  Working out releases feel-good chemicals and suppresses hormones that cause anxiety and stress.  It improves your mood, energy levels and sense of well-being.  Exercise makes you happier, more relaxed and more productive. 

Removing Your Fear of Failure

Another obstacle to weight loss resolutions is a fear of failure.  You’ve tried and failed to lose weight so many times, you no longer believe it’s possible.  Fad diets, yo-yo dieting and sporadic workouts have left you empty-handed and skeptical.  You can eliminate this resistance to starting again by focusing on improving your fitness rather than on losing weight.

Start a new habit today of moving more than yesterday and score an instant win.  Focus on your current effort rather than on a possible outcome months down the road.  Start small and you will gain momentum as you feel better and better by being active.

Exercise Is More Important Than Weight Loss

Exercise is more important than weight loss when it comes to good health and longevity.  You have a lower risk of heart disease and death if you improve your fitness than if you lose weight. This is especially true for the overweight and obese, and even if you only exercise at a moderate intensity for a short duration.  Did you know that being inactive for one week is as harmful as smoking 20 cigarettes?

We are not saying not to lose weight.  Our mission is to empower people to live their best lives.  However, most people can be healthy at different weights as long as they are active enough. Focusing on fitness is easier than waiting for the number on the scale to change.  It is also conducive to weight loss.

If you are overweight or obese, you can lower your risk of death by 30% or more through exercise even if you don't lose weight. Overweight and active is better than thin and sedentary in terms of health and longevity.  Being fit offsets some of the negative effects of being overweight.

Changing Your Mindset

If you shift your perspective from weight loss to better health through fitness you will feel less overwhelmed and more successful. Working out is a great form of self-care, it's not  a punishment.  Exercising an opportunity to improve your mental and physical state in the moment as well as in the long-term.

Focus on what you are getting, rather than on what you are giving up.  The benefits of exercise are immeasurable.  Working out gives you a better quality of life and a longer lifespan.  It lowers your risk of chronic disease, illness, disability and injury.  Being active lowers inflammation and helps your body process oxygen more efficiently.  Exercise strengthens your heart, lungs, bones and muscles. It is also extremely beneficial for brain health,  lowering your risk of depression and dementia, and improving your cognition, memory and sleep.

The Icing on the Cake

Once you begin a fitness routine, the way you feel during and after your workouts will make you want to continue.  The trick is to start small so your new fitness goal is easy to achieve.  Then you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts if you so choose. 

As time goes on, your confidence, strength, endurance and flexibility will all improve. Regular exercise will increase your metabolism so you burn more calories even at rest.  This will make your previous goal of weight loss a lot more attainable.

The Takeaway

Improving your health and wellness is an excellent resolution for 2023.  However, trying to lose weight can be an overwhelming goal.  Changing your resolution to improving your level of fitness makes success inevitable.  You will encounter your first win as soon as you start to move more.  The physical and mental effects of your workouts will be felt immediately.

Working out lowers your risk of chronic disease and death whether you are overweight, obese or lean. Studies show that fitness is more important than weight if you want a long healthy life.  

While they can go hand in hand, fitness goals are easier to achieve than weight loss goals. If you untangle your desire to be thin from your new workout habit you will be more successful at both endeavors.
